If a society is going to hold together and not fall apart, it needs a system of values that almost everybody in the society agrees with. Alot of countries have fought wars amongst themselves, and have decided on their own laws based on their beliefs. Most countries have Christian based laws or values, but some countries have different beliefs and values and their laws are decided within them. In an ideal world, society's values should be...
We need to be able to accept others for who they are, not what they can do for us. We need to focus on how can grow together as humans.
Mutual Respect
Means having respect in our minds for everyone. Even if you are against a person, it is important to have mutual respect, it is this respect that makes us human.
With love in our hearts we should feel no need to harm another. We will raise ourselves rather than pull others down.
Loyalty is an emotation that binds us to a person, thing, or sentiment we need this loyalty to gather strength to stand up against somthing that will harm our society and to stand up for the oppressed.
Honesty in society is to accept your self for what you are, and let everyone know that as well. Honesty will help us follow the other values in society and heal the world.